Star Wars

A man owned a large house
With many riches inside
Afraid of loosing everything he had
He built the largest
    most advanced
    security system
    modern science could provide

The expense was so great
His wife and children went hungry
To provide and pay his debts
He had to sell his riches
Until one day
He had to even sell his house

When the fear of a possible reality
Becomes greater than reality itself
Then we become creators
    of what we fear most

By:  Roger Harkness


You are free to print, copy or publish any of my poems for education and or charity without my permission (but - send me a note if you have the time). You are not free to print, copy or publish any of my poems for profit without my written consent. You may link my poetry to your website freely without my consent (but if you do, an email would be nice).  Always be sure to give credit to the author Roger Harkness.


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